The VA reports that over 2.6 million U.S. military personnel were exposed to the herbicide, which has long been linked to a list of severe diseases, including . Since those areas were subjected to Agent Orange contamination, everyone on those smaller boats may have long-term effects from their exposure. Col Richardson has suffered with severe neuropathy for over 45 years. This evolving list helps veterans who served aboard ships, including "Blue Water veterans," find out if they may qualify for presumption of herbicide exposure. USS Samuel Gompers (AD-37) [Destroyer Tender] multiple dockings to piers at, USS Graffias (AF-29) [Auxiliary Stores Ship] docked to pier at Da Nang for resupply on February 20 and November 25, 1967, and conducted other in-port docking replenishments at An Thoi and Vung Tau during 1967, USS Pictor (AF-54) docked to pier at Da Nang during 1969 (see other category), USS Aludra (AF-55), conducted in-port docking replenishments at Cam Ranh Bay, Vung Tau, An Thoi, and Da Nang during March-April 1969, USS Regulus (AF-57) conducted numerous in-port docking replenishments at Cam Ranh Bay, Vung Tau, An Thoi, and Da Nang during March-November 1966, May-July 1967, February-December 1968, October-December 1969, June-September 1970, and April-July 1971, USS Procyon (AF-61) docked and conducted in-port replenishments at Da Nang during June 1965, November 1965, January 1966, December 1966, August 1967, and April 1970; and at Cam Ranh Bay during January 1966 and May 1970. Evaporative distillation entails heating of the source water using copper elements. Gun Fire Support Ships Blue Water Navy - Guam Master Ship List (Subs) Aircraft Carrier (VSM) New Master Ship List Membership HR-299- The Bill NEWS FLASH.. We now have some Videos Explaining Deck Logs and the Different Lines Referred to in relationship to BWN Claims. As Congress changes laws, we keep up on it for all of our clients. Veterans who state they meet the criteria of this law are eligible for the Agent Orange Registry. The Agent Orange Act of 1991 established a presumption of herbicide exposure for veterans who served in Vietnam and . Finally, this list contains the Blue Water Navy ships that didnt travel Inland Waterways, dock, or take leave on land. Starting in April 1964, it was initially located at 16 degrees North latitude, 110 degrees East longitude. USS Diachenko (APD-123) conducted tactical beach surveys with crew members from April to August 1968; also, on May 21, 1968, while anchored in Qui Nhon Harbor, a harbor patrol craft arrived at the ship and departed with the commanding officer, operations officer, and communications officer for briefings in Qui Nhon. Why is this important to know? Yankee Station was a fixed coordinate off the coast of Vietnam where U.S. Navy aircraft carriers and support ships loitered in open waters. 702-769-4973. Its form of action is similar to that of other fuel-oxidizer mixtures, such as . In a review of JSRRC data, it was determined that crewmen at ships were not exposed to tactical herbicides on account of contact with aircraft based on data collected from Vietnam.Based on this determination, the board is satisfied that the Veteran was not exposed to Agent Orange while he was aboard the USS Ranger. These were often supply ships and didnt engage in direct combat. Excellent customer service, organized, professional. All vessels referred to in military records as part of the Mobile Riverine Force, All vessels with the designation AGP [Assault Group Patrol/Patrol Craft Tender], All vessels with the designation LCM [Landing Craft, Mechanized], All vessels with the designation LCU [Landing Craft, Utility], All vessels with the designation LCVP [Landing Craft, Vehicle, Personnel], All vessels with the designation LST [Landing Ship, Tank], All vessels with the designation PBR [Patrol Boat, River], All vessels with the designation PCF [Patrol Craft, Fast or Swift Boat], All vessels with the designation STABS [Strike Assault Boats], All vessels with the designation YFU [Harbor Utility Craft], All U.S. Coast Guard Cutters with hull designation WPB [Patrol Boat], WHEC [High Endurance Cutter], WLB [Buoy Tender], and WAK [Cargo Vessel] during their Vietnam tours. The court's decision also means that VA can no longer deny disability benefits to eligible blue water Navy veterans. Congress has granted Agent Orange presumed contamination benefits to the Blue Water ships. Agent Orange is a chemical herbicide and defoliant, one of the "tactical use" Rainbow Herbicides.It was used by the U.S. military as part of its herbicidal warfare program, Operation Ranch Hand, during the Vietnam War from 1961 to 1971. of the Agent Blue component dimethylarsenic acid, which is now known to be a potent carcinogen. At least two Blue Water Navy veterans were denied claims in whole or in part due to reliance by the Board of Veterans Appeals on the draft M21-1 regulation, identified as a training aid, that was prematurely and improperly furnished to the BVA. . The ship list does change from time to time, and it was just updated again last month. Sections and chapters in the description below! There were a few missle ships and aircraft carriers in the mix, though. VA recently added 22 additional U.S. Navy ships to the presumption of Agent Orange list. Recent BVA Hearings! These ships did send smaller supply ships to the beaches or waterways. This law made it easier for the Blue Water Navy veterans and their families to get disability benefits due to Agent Orange exposure. Vietnam-era Blue Water Navy veterans are considered to be those who served aboard ships in the open waters off the coast of Vietnam during the Vietnam War. doi: 10.17226/13026. Veterans disability attorney Travis Studdard discusses this update and what it means for Blue Wat. Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Association P.O. Feel free to call us at (866) 232-5777 anytime. If your answer to all of the following questions is "Yes", then you are probably eligible for benefits under the Blue Water Navy . Blue Water Navy Agent Orange Update. The VA, with help from the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Association, compiles and releases its first list of Navy ships presumed to have been exposed to Agent Orange. The VA denies there was any Agent Orange in Vietnam in 1960 and 1961. Gun Fire Support Ships Blue Water Navy - Guam Master Ship List (Subs) Aircraft Carrier (VSM) New Master Ship List Membership HR-299- The Bill Ship Locator List . This communication with the firm or any member of the firm does not establish an attorney-client relationship. August 30, 2015. List of Blue Water Navy Ships Exposed to Agent Orange (Interactive Vietnam Map) and the SMC rate. The Department of Veterans Affairs has expanded its list of Navy ships whose crews may be eligible for disability compensation as a result of exposure to the toxic defoliant Agent . My Best to You and Everyone Here . Source: Home The expansion of Agent Orange exposure locations came as a result of Public Law 116-23, the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act of 2019. All Veterans who served aboard these vessels are eligible for the presumption of Agent Orange exposure because their primary service was on the inland waterways of Vietnam. Did the Navy use Agent Orange? 0. These Veterans must have served on a ship that is on the official agent orange ship list released by the VA. It was not until 2010, 42 years after his . Fill out the short form below to contact us. If you served during the Vietnam-era, were exposed to Agent Orange, and later developed a medical condition you believe to be related to said exposure, you may be entitled to VA disability compensation. USS Card (ACV-11) [Escort Aircraft Carrier] mined, sunk, and salvaged in Saigon River Harbor during May 1964, USS Core (ACV-13) travelled on Saigon River to delivered aircraft to Saigon during June 1965, USS Bennington (CVS-20) [Anti-Submarine Aircraft Carrier] entered Qui Nhon Bay Harbor to pick up Bob Hope for onboard Christmas show on December 26, 1966, USS Surfbird (ADG-383) [Degaussing Ship] conducted anti-mine degaussing operation for ships on Qui Nhon Bay during November 1967 and August 1969 (see other category), USS Wrangell (AE-12) [Auxiliary Explosive, Ammunition Ship] entered Mekong River Delta to supply ammunition for US Coast Guard vessel on November 21, 1968, USS Firedrake (AE-14) operated on Ganh Rai Bay during April 1966, USS Pictor (AF-54) [Auxiliary Stores Ship] entered Cua Viet River while delivering supplies to Dong Ha during September 1967 (see other category), USS Vega (AF-59) conducted resupply operations on Mekong River Delta September 13, 1966 (see other category), USS Mars (AFS-1) [Combat Stores Ship] operated on Mekong River July 8, 1966, USS Niagara Falls (AFS-3) unloaded supplies on Saigon River and Cam Ranh Bay, April 22-25, 1968, USS Arikara (ATF-98) [Fleet Ocean Tug] assisted with salvage operations on Saigon River during August 1966 (see other category), USS Estes (AGC-12) [Amphibious Force Flagship] entered Qui Nhon Bay during June 1965 and anchored in Mekong River during January 1967 (see other category), USS Tanner (AGS-15) [Mapping Survey Ship] conducted surveys of Mekong River Delta and other coastal areas and rivers from October 1966 through 1968, USS Maury (AGS-16) conducted surveys of Mekong River Delta and other coastal areas and rivers from November 1965 through 1969, USS Sheldrake (AGS-19) conducted sounding surveys of Vietnam coastal and inland waterways October 1967 through March 1968, USS Serrano (AGS-24) conducted mapping surveys of Mekong River Delta and other coastal and river areas from 1966 through 1969, USS Towhee (AGS-28) conducted sounding surveys of Vietnam coastal and inland waterways October 1967 through March 1968, USS Rehoboth (AGS-50)conducted hydrographic survey of Mekong River Delta area during December 1965, USS Merrick (AKA-97) [Attack Cargo Ship] participated in Operation Jackstay amphibious landings while on Saigon River during March 1966 (see other category), USS Seminole (AKA/LKA-104) [Attack/Amphibious Cargo Ship] docked in Saigon during July 1962; operated on Saigon River channel on March 4, 1967; and entered Cua Viet River on May 26, 1967 (see other category), USS Union (AKA/LKA-106) anchored in Hue River while conducting operations during April 1965 (see other category), USS St. Louis (AKA/LKA-116) operated on Ganh Rai Bay during March 9, 1971 (see other category), USS Pollux (AKS-4) [General Stores Ship] delivered supplies while in Ganh Rai Bay on April 4. Confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent through this form. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Without locations, the VA cannot determine whether any submarine qualifies or not for inclusion in the Blue Water ship list. Apparently, after 50 plus years, these old Westpac operations are still classified. These ships did send smaller supply ships to the beaches or waterways. Blue (DD-744) Anchored in Da Nang Harbor on April 21, 1968, with crew members going ashore for a picnic. The VA continues to develop a list of blue-water ships documented to have entered inland waters and the dates on which they did so. Welcome to the Ultimate Agent Orange Guide for VA Disability Benefits. The so-called Brown Water ship list comes a year after U.S. Sen. Daniel Akaka, D-Hawaii, chided the agency for failing to obtain key military records showing that sailors on . You can download it and open it in Microsoft Word for your own use. The American Legion. All vessels of Inshore Fire Support [IFS] Division 93, including: USS Clarion River (LSMR 409) [Landing Ship, Medium, Rocket]. For more information including a link to the Alphabetized Agent Orange Ship List, visit the U.S. Navy and . The Department of Veterans Affairs has finally posted an expanded list of U.S. Navy ships exposed to Agent Orange during the Vietnam War. 20 shipping Sponsored Modelo Especial Day Of The Dead 10" Sugar Skull Beer Tap Handle. A discussion of exposures (Blue Water Navy in comparison with ground troops in Vietnam), specifically, a comparison of exposures on ground with those on ships (discuss all possible routes of exposure), and examining the range of exposure mechanisms for herbicide exposures (i.e., concentrating toxics in drinking water, air exposure possibly from drift from spraying, food, soil, skin); This would put them in proximity of Agent Orange and qualify these mostly-sea-faring veterans for VA disability benefits. Last year, VA added ischemic heart disease, hairy cell leukemia and other chronic B-cell leukemias, and Parkinson's disease to the list of diseases presumed Underlying the controversy of Blue Water Navy Vietnam veterans' claims to a . Copyright 2023 Woods and Woods, LLC | PO Box 1287 Evansville, IN 47706. These ships may not have recorded in their logs who went to shore, but it is known that most of the crew took some leave at one time or another on dry land. Looking at the list, they would be considered brown water ships verses blue water ships. Suggestion for Veterans. Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Association P.O. Fill bucket but leave about 2" of space or so for the developing baby mushrooms. If you notice a change, let us know so we can update this list. The Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act of 2019 took effect, January 1, 2020. USS Zelima (AF-49) [Auxiliary Stores Ship] conducted numerous in port supply replenishments at Da Nang, Cam Ranh Bay, Vung Tau, and An Thoi from July-October 1965, January-August 1966, October-December 1968, and May-June 1969, USS Vega (AF-59) conducted numerous in port supply replenishments with docking and crew going ashore at Da Nang, Cam Ranh Bay, Vung Tau, and An Thoi during March-April 1966, July-August 1968, June-July 1969, November-December 1970, and April-September 1972 (see other category), USS Mars (AFS-1) [Combat Stores Ship] conducted numerous on shore supply replenishments at Da Nang, Cam Ranh Bay, Vung Tau, and An Thoi from May 1965 to November 1972 with evidence of crewmembers going ashore, USS Niagara Falls (AFS-3) conducted on shore supply replenishments with helicopters and small boats at Da Nang, Cam Ranh Bay, Vung Tau, and An Thoi from April 1968 to March 1973, USS White Plains (AFS-4) conducted on shore supply replenishments with helicopters and small boats at Da Nang, Cam Ranh Bay, Vung Tau, and An Thoi from January 1969 to March 1973, USS San Jose (AFS-7) conducted on shore supply replenishments with helicopters and small boats at Da Nang, Cam Ranh Bay, and Vung Tau from October 1971 to February 1972 and September 1972 to March 1973, USS Mount McKinley (AGC-7) [Amphibious Force Flagship] conducted troop and supply beach landings at Da Nang and elsewhere during March-May 1965, June-July 1966, and July-November 1967 (see other category), USS Estes (AGC-12) conducted troop and supply beach landings at Chu Lai and Da Nang during March-October 1965 (see other category), USS Winston (AKA-94) [Attack Cargo Ship] conducted relief operations into Da Nang from November 13-23, 1964, to assist the local people in recovering from a typhoon and resultant flooding; and conducted troop and supply beach landings during July 1965; April-August 1966; September-October 1967; and November 1968-May 1969, USS Mathews (AKA-96) on-loaded supplies at Da Nang and delivered them up the Cua Viet River to Dong Ha with mike boats from August through December 1967, USS Merrick (AKA-97) conducted troop and cargo beach landing with small boats at Hue, Chu Lai, and Da Nang from July 1965 through November 1968 (see other category), USS Seminole (AKA/LKA-104) [Attack/Amphibious Cargo Ship] sent smaller amphibious assault craft ashore for troop landings in November 1965 in support of Operations BLUE MARLIN I and II; conducted troop landings with small boats at Da Nang, Hoi An, and Quang Tri from March through August 1967, September 1968 through February 1969, and during January 1970 (see other category), USS Skagit (AKA/LKA-105) conducted troop and cargo beach mike boat landings at Da Nang, Chu Lai, and Quang Ngai from November 1965 to November 1967, USS Union (AKA/LKA-106) conducted numerous troop and cargo mike boat beach landings at Da Nang, Cam Ranh Bay, and Chu Lai from March 1965 to November 1969 (see other category), USS Washburn (AKA/LKA-108) conducted numerous small boat beach landings at Da Nang, Thon My Thuy, Hue on Perfume River, and Dong Ha on Cua Viet River from 1965 to 1969, USS Tulare (AKA/LKA-112) conducted troop and cargo mike boat beach landings at Da Nang, Chu Lai, Cam Ranh Bay, and Vung Tau from July 1965 to February 1973, USS St. Louis (AKA/LKA-116) conducted troop and cargo landings with small boats at Da Nang, Vung Tau, and Quang Nam Province during August-October 1970; January-March 1971; and April-November 1972 (see other category), USS Navasota (AO-106) [Fleet Oiler] conducted on-shore and in-port replenishment at Vung Tau, Da Nang, Mai Ong Dai, etc. You can show this via ship logs, buddy statements, or some vets even have old pictures of their time on these boats. Our mushroom cultivation ceramic coffee mugs come in two sizes (11 oz. In 2016, the VA updated the law for Blue Water Navy Ships. Parks (DD-884) operated on Saigon River and Ganh Rai Bay during February and March 1968, USS John R. Craig (DD-885) operated on inland waterway during July 1965 (see other category), USS Orleck (DD-886) operated on Mekong River Delta during July 1969, USS Brinkley Bass (DD-887) conducted fire support mission on Saigon River during November 11-17, 1968, and in Rung Sat Special Zone during February 9-11, 1970 (see other category), USS Barry (DD-933) operated on Saigon River during December 1965, USS Du Pont (DD-941) operated on Mekong River Delta during October 1968, USS Mullinnix (DD-944) operated on Vung Ganh Rai and Saigon River during August 5-6, 1966, USS Morton (DD-948) operated on Vung Ganh Rai and Saigon River during April, 1966 and February 1969 (see other category), USS Richard S Edwards (DD-950) operated on Mekong River Delta in Province of Kien Hoa during February 28 and March 1, 1969 (see other category), USS Turner Joy (DD-951) entered Cua Viet River channel on December 24, 1969, USS Henry B. Wilson (DDG-7) [Guided Missile Destroyer] operated on Mekong River Delta during May 1968 (see other category), USS Lynde McCormick (DDG-8) operated on Cua Ham Loung River and Mekong River Delta during April 1966 and Mekong River Delta during March 1969, USS Towers (DDG-9) operated on Saigon River and Rung Sat Special Zone during July 1966, USS Robison (DDG-12) provided naval gunfire support for Operation Jackstay in Rung Sat Special Zone and Saigon River during April 1966, USS Joseph Strauss (DDG-16) operated on Mekong River Delta March 4, 1966 and Ganh Rai Bay during November 7 and December 7, 1968, USS Goldsborough (DDG-20) operated on Cua Dai River December 13, 1968 (see other category), USS Benjamin Stoddert (DDG-22)operated on the Song Lang Nuog River December 24, 1965 and the Cua Viet River April 25, 1972 (see other category), USS Waddell (DDG-24) operated on Saigon River during March 1966 and Cua Viet River during March 1967, USS Duncan (DDR-874) [Radar Picket Destroyer] operated on Saigon River during September and October 1965, USS Falgout (DER-324) [Radar Pickett Ship] operated on Mekong River during June 1965 and entered Qui Nhon Bay as part of operation with PCFs interdicting junk traffic during May 1966, USS Lowe (DE-325) anchored in Saigon Harbor during April 1966, USS Walton (DE-361) travelled up Saigon River and docked in Saigon Harbor during March 1962, USS Alvin C. Cockrell (DE-366) anchored in Saigon Harbor for four days during May 1962, USS McMorris (DE-1036) entered Qui Nhon Bay during July 1965, USS Davidson (DE-1045) operated on Vung Ganh Rai and Rung Sat Special Zone of Mekong River Delta from September 16 to October 5, 1967 (see other category), USS Finch (DER-328) [Destroyer Escort Radar] entered Qui Nhon Bay on January 20, 1966 and December 1967 (when crewmembers painted a Vietnamese orphanage), USS Kretchmer (DER-329) entered Qui Nhon Bay during September and November 1965, June and August 1966, and April 1967, USS Vance (DER-387) entered Qui Nhon Bay on January 20, 1966, USS Mahan (DLG-11) [Guided Missile Frigate] visited Saigon via Saigon River October, USS Vancouver (LPD-2) [Amphibious Transport Dock] entered Qui Nhon Bay during September 11-12, 1971 (see other category), USS Iwo Jima (LPH-2) [Landing Platform, Helicopter] entered Qui Nhon Bay in July 1965 (see other category), USS Princeton (LPH-5) operated on Ganh Rai Bay during April 1966 (see other category), USS Valley Forge (LPH-8) entered mouth of Hue River during December 1965 (see other category), USS Carter Hall (LSD-3) [Landing Ship Dock] delivered supplies up Saigon River to Nha Be during March-May 1967 and June 1968 (see other category), USS Gunston Hall (LSD-5) operated on Saigon River during April 1965 and March 1968 (see other category), USS Oak Hill (LSD-7) conducted salvage operations for damaged swift boat on Ganh Hao River during July 1967 (see other category), USS Cabildo (LSD-16) delivered equipment to Nha Be via the Long Tau River during June 1968, USS Catamount (LSD-17) travelled up Saigon River to Saigon during November 1962 and operated on Nha Be and Long Tau Rivers during April 1969 (see other category), USS Colonial (LSD-18) travelled up Saigon River to Nha Be during April 1966 and June and September 1969 (see other category), USS Fort Marion (LSD-22) navigated Saigon River to dock in Saigon during February 1966 (see other category), USS Whetstone (LSD-27) anchored as long term boat haven for repairs of smaller vessels on Qui Nhon Bay during June-July 1965 (see other category), USS Thomaston (LSD-28) conducted dredge lift on Saigon River during November 1964, USS Point Defiance (LSD-31) entered Qui Nhon Bay to deliver troops during July 1965; operated on Saigon River during March 1967; and conducted several operations on Saigon River to Saigon Port during October and November 1968 (see other category), USS Alamo (LSD-33) landed Marines while at Qui Nhon Bay during July 1965 and at Rung Sat Special Zone during March-April 1966 (see other category), USS Anchorage (LSD-36) transported troops and supplies into Qui Nhon Bay during June 1970 and January 1972 (see other category), USS Catskill (MCS/MSC-1) [Minesweeper-Coastal] entered Saigon River on March 18, 1970, USS Woodpecker (MSC-209) entered Qui Nhon Bay during May 1965, USS Gannet (MSC-290) operated on rivers of Mekong Delta at Vinh Long and Binh Thuy during May 1967, USS Whippoorwill (MSC-207) [Minesweeper-Ocean] entered Qui Nhon Bay repeatedly during July-August 1968 (see other category), USS Conflict (MSO-426) [Minesweeper-Ocean] operated on Saigon River April 1, 1966 and Song Huong River (Perfume River) May 14, 1966 (see other category), USS Enhance (MSO-437) entered Qui Nhon Bay repeatedly during October through November 1968 and January through February 1969, USS Esteem (MSO-438) crewmembers painted a Vietnamese orphanage while docked at Qui Nhon Bay during December 1967 and again during March 1969, USS Fortify (MSO-446) travelled up the Saigon River to Saigon September 19-22, 1964, USS Illusive (MSO-448) conducted training with Vietnamese Navy on Saigon River from January through March 1962, USS Inflict (MSO-456) travelled up the Saigon River to Saigon September 19-22, 1964, USS Loyalty (MSO-457) travelled up the Saigon River to Saigon September 19-22, 1964 (see other category), USS Conquest (MSO-488) operated on Saigon River during 1962 and entered Qui Nhon Bay on January 29 and February 7-9, 1969, USS Pledge (MSO-492) entered Qui Nhon Bay on May 8, 15, and 21, 1971 (see other category), USS W. A. Mann (T-AP-112) [Military Transport] entered Qui Nhon Bay August 23, 1965, USS Breckinridge (T-AP-176) entered Qui Nhon Bay September 16-17, 1965, USS Geiger (T-AP-197) entered Qui Nhon Bay November 23-26, 1965, USNS General Hugh J. Gaffey (T-AP-121) entered Qui Nhon Bay November 6-8, 1966, USS Eaton (DD-510) entered the mouth of the Saigon River in the Mekong River Delta on August 23, 1967, USS William C. Lawe (DD-763) Operated on the mouth of the Cua Viet River on December 20, 1972, USS Sample (DE-1048) Travelled on Cua Viet River on April 27, 1972, USS Corry (DD-817) provided Naval gunfire support on the Mekong River on October 27, 1968 (see other category), USS Harwood (DD-861) conducted Naval gunfire missions in the Mekong River Delta from July 19-22, 1968.
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