This never seemed hard to understand to me. John Piper truly had no idea why his tweet from Job 1 caused an uproar. There is too much work to be done. Since so many Calvinists believe everything in this life is decreed, it would mean that God decreed you to write/create this blog from before the foundations of the world, so how can they object to you doing so? Comments moving to the To Calvinist posts from this point. First of all, I agree with what Jeff S wrote about the word leaders. Also, even if I considered someone a leader, I dont march in lockstep with him/her. My young son-in-law has just been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Its more that the molecule is not outside of his authority. He is married with two children. Why didnt he write a short book on a more important subject, like Robert Burtons The Anatomy Of Melancholy, written after Calvins death? Anyways, just to say, Calvinism is a much larger group than the current T4G/TGC and followers. It turns out it wasnt that easy. for what its worth, im the product of many generations of energetic, committed Christian people, several career missionaries to asia, and church since day 1. C.K. "Eastview Christian Church pastor, Mike Baker, resigns after son, Caleb Baker, is fired from Central Christian Church for adultery" Why? 1911. However, I have repeatedly heard calvinists call other believers heretics and blasphemers because they disagree with a pillar of calvinism (eg, they have a different definition of Gods sovereignity, or they believe Christ died for the sins of all). So Sad. I dont understand, then, why, on your blog, you allowed a Calvinism Free For All. I didnt notice any Calvinists telling people that God wanted you to be raped, or something like that. It wasnt until they tried to recruit me to take an $85.00 course to learn to speak in tongues that I actually started studying my Bible. Its a tough line to walk, though. It was their belief and in my mind, their belief only affects them. Ive learned a lot since then. One section was exploring happiness. But that doesnt mean I ignore what others have looked at in scripture and believed about it. Maybe I need to learn how to live with it better. Groovy, man. It is an incontrovertible fact that some parts of Calvinism have been used to hurt people. Reformed theology has other tenets, which Calvin influenced, along with other theologians like Augustine (354-430) and Ulrich Zwingli (1484-1531). Like you, I only care about what scripture says. It doesnt conform to our sense of fairness and love. I am not faulting anyone or saying that Calvinists are lazy. I was challenged to think, to serve, to teach and to grow. But Jesus and he should know praised his Father for hiding these things from the wise and learned, revealing them instead to little weans. And I will not say I could bebecause many of us understand that once we concede that men and women cannot know truth, then there is only one thing left to decide who gets to wield Gods authority on earth, because reason and logically reconcilable ideas have no place in truth: violence. Until these last five years, Ihad thought it possible for everyone to get along, even attend the same church. 2. This reminds me of what the guy in the videos (Refuting Calvinism video series) was saying in one video. Now I have a place to send the Calvin debates and can keep the other threads relatively Calvin debate-free. Therefore, I wanted to keep the door open in this discussion. So many have been through one form of abuse or another and have needs that we should allow for, beyond social norms. In practice its a bit like saying Catholicism in the latter youve got everything from evangelical Catholics through liberation theologians and the very conservative ones who want to go back to Latin masses and pre-Vatican II. What you believe is irrelevant. Our sinful human nature craves it. Inevitably, then, youll sometimes find restless young men who want to make a name for themselves (and who hasnt been there) (other than restless young women) will take the idea and make it a point of honour to run as far as they can with it. So, does God elect people who are only a little totally depraved as opposed to those who are totally totally depraved? Recently, I had a Calvinist who knowns me say that i was not a Christian by very fact that I write this blog and call out some of the people that he admires. It is entirely congregationally driven, so the church votes on pastors, and votes on board members (elders), not the other way around. Even though I rejected Calvinism, I was not (nor have I ever been) a universalist, I still believed in Gods sovereignty, etc. If we are acting primarily out of love, this becomes good works and is worthless. CALVIN! We might refer instead to TULIP as a doctrinal stance. CALVIN! Ill have to look that one up. In fact, as Sproul describes what he sees as the sovereignty if God, his view is the latter- that God exercises his sovereignty by choosing what he allows and what he does not. Yes, they too wrote thousands of pages, but at least they werent lawyers! I dont want to speak out of turn here, but I wonder if the word calvinist should be banned, like the word bitter, due to the frequency with which it is taken out of context and/or the extent to which it means different things to different people. I accept with humility that there are things that I cannot understand. It was your comment about illogic that got me to thinking. If you think I should be silent whenever I see Calvinism misrepresnted, then that isnt right. So help me now - these labels are mind boggling - if I see on a list somewhere that so and so is a Calvinist, or an Arminian, or Pelagist (and I know I messed that word up and every time I saw it I went back to my marine biology days and thought about deep ocean life as the words are similar so I would picture the man from Atlantis and get very sidetracked in whatever idea was being posted . So in other contexts your Calvinism/steak analogy is right as far as I know. And unless I misunderstand Jesus diatribes against the teachers of the law, theres no filthier or more deceitful idolatry. c) I want to move conversations about abuse beyond the Calvinism discussion because I think its a massive red herring. At any rate, the point is that I agree with you (even though I disagree that TULIP is slanderous) that when we start elevating these doctrines to first tier issues, we are causing division within the body. What bothers me is that your leaders disregard my objections, calling me barely a Christian or saying that Olson is not a Christian. We didn't worry so much about exacting doctrine. held at Tremont Temple but occasionally at Park St. Church. There is a reason there has been a debate for centuries. Questions should be addressed to the male authority in ones life., 4) Christ died NOT for us, but to bring glory to the Father. But so what. Indeed. This, of course, is totally irrelevant. I have read at his site just a little bit and so far have found many of his thoughts very satisfying on all levels. Although in the ever increasing post-denominational ecumenical trend, a lot of this gets blurred and you'll occasionally see Calvinist doctrines pop up even among the occasional practitioner of any tradition. Nope. Meyer 17. We can just debate doctrine. I used to have the same problem talking with, or debating Roman Catholics, online. We are brothers and sisters in Christ. Thanks for the link to the article on Sproul, Jr. As many are probably thinking, what would Sproul, Sr. have to say about this? This is merely a nice way of saying that God hasnt enlightened you to the truth. Someone should alert Crossway immediately. I DO think that Calvinism is misconstrued a lot by people in this position, but either way its not a good time or place to try and correct them. However, they are limited, just as we are. This is not the Calvinist thought process. That is what total and depravity mean these days, after all. It was your comment about illogic that got me to thinking. Ive tried to suss out how a good, all powerful God can exist at the same time as evil, and I just dont have an answer. 9Marks is another group which promotes the fact that they, the local church, get to decide who is saved and not saved. *If we disagree, let us disagree on what we see in Scripture, not on our own sense of right and wrong. Green 27. Especially the statements above. One more thing. Barrett 29. John Calvin, Paul Helm John Calvin W. Robert Godfrey Crossway is a not-for-profit Christian ministry that exists solely for the purpose of proclaiming the gospel through publishing gospel-centered, Bible-centered content. They are letting someone else handle driving. He didnt say to have faith in the Reformation, or Tulip, or Keller, or your pastor/elder, husband, or Mary. Paul Ellingworth William G. MacDonald James Strauss Philip Towner John Wenham Gary Habermas Nigel Turner Max Turner Peter Cotterell (?) I want people to love God and love their neighbors. I figured (maybe arrogantly, but I prefer to think of it as optimism) that I could correct a few misconceptions I saw and then the whole discussion could just go away. They simply describe the regular, normal way in which God manages or governs his universe. They are his laws; they are not independent in nature. I will be honest JeffS and JeffB , I am often confused by the moving target that you described before. And since they realize that their belief is based on purely subjective interpretations of scripture that require severe qualificationwell, much easier to get you to just concede their premises by couching them in theologically nebulous, but emotionally attractive (and manipulative), platitudes. I am loving this discussion!!!!!! Or maybe a better example would be if someone said The practice of withholding baptism from infants is evil, Im sure people would rush to defend their position. I know this sounds like a broad brush, but I think people need to know this dirty little secret. I realize that, even with these qualifications, there are those who find such a God abhorrent, and that there are some who will be upset by the notion of such a God, probably because of some terrible thing they went through. But RC, as a neo-Cal intellectual, is, I think, trying to avoid what so many Calvinists do with regularity, and have no problem with it: concede that at the root of what they believe are ideas that simply cannot be reconciled. Enter fatalistic determinism. I could also pile up a lot of influential non-theologians here (C. S. Lewis, Billy Graham, Bill Bright), but I'm assuming your question was probing for a theological communicator of Packer's stature. There are many bite marks on my tongue. I ask that you likewise dont look down on me and others who hold this view of God. Olson coined the label "Pannenberg's Principle" forWolfhart Pannenberg's argument (1969) that God's deity is his rule "The divinity of God and the reign of God in the world are inseparable."[6]. Which of us sat down in total ignorance, started at Genesis, and came up with a belief system? Holds you and strokes the back of your head. I am a non-Calvinist (not quite an Arminian either) who lives and moves and has my being amongst Calvinists, the overwhelmingly dominant brand in my neck of the woods. The accurate view of TD can be found in the chart that I linked to in my reply to dee. I saw this is a problem, and I do think Deb and Dee have addressed it. you'll occasionally see Calvinist doctrines pop up even among the occasional practitioner of any tradition. (Sorry, elastigirl, but you were so honest about the kind of God we all want that I have to use your example.) Study some good books that present the non-Calvinist point of view. Wow! The fundamental non-negotiables of our faith, those that if not agreed upon prevent us from calling each other brothers or sisters are found in 4 ancient creeds. I recently found the article online hereand it made me cry as I thought about the journey of my life since that night. To help clarify this, theologians for centuries have distinguished between primary and secondary causality. HOWEVER- as is often the case, what we deal with in real life can be quite unlike what the experts say it is. Heal their parents broken hearts and lives? And if we go to ourselves, were going to get something like what elastigirl wrote above. The beginning of thought is in disagreement not only with others but also with ourselves.-Eric Hoffer. In fact, I've heard him preach stuff that would set Calvinists' hair (and beards) on fire. The bullying was behind the scenes. (I mean, Star Trek?). Why did he care so much about what the Bible said? We have to balance very carefully allowing some women to blow off steam vs being vitriolic in their hatred of all things male. Just happy to be able to trust that God really is good again. Remember, Calvinism is merely the invoking of associative meaning, not real meaning. I do hope when I sad that comment, I said illogical TO ME, as in general I hesitate to call other people views illogical. Would you drink a glass of water with just a little flesh eating bacteria in it? We hope to see you as a part of our community soon and God Bless! 2) Everything that happens is scripted by God and is good for us. They do not understand that there are alternative answers by good non-Calvinist theologians as well. I cant explain it, but the very thought of it is a testimony to His love for us ALL. Sproul Ive learned much from him, though I dont always agree. When there is someone who has been really, REALLY busted up by a Calvinist, I completely get where the anger comes from. Some of the things he did/wrote/said kind of raise alarms, if Im honest the whole Servetus Thing, for instance, doesnt make anybody look good however you spin it. A A Arminianism refers to a belief structure ascribed to Jacobus Arminius (1560-1609), a Dutch Christian theologian who studied the tenants of Calvinism. Does not a little yeast leaven the whole batch? Reformed theology teaches that God in His grace and mercy has chosen to redeem a people to Himself, delivering them from sin and death. Right after I became a Christian, I purchased Jesus Christ Superstar! The Calvinistas have just put a new spin on how to usurp Gods authority (the Holy Spirit) over the individual believer. With all due respect to the Jeffs, look at their root assumption, and the glaring contradiction: they constantly maintain that TRUTH as a function of God can by no means be apprehended by finite humans, and yet resolutely declare in the same breath that this is the very proof of the soundness of their doctrine. What Julie Anne is saying is also elaborated by Christa Brown in chapter 46 of her book This Little Light as well as here:, Hester, thank you for that word pictureit will lend an air of drama to my week . For there, we will still be the created and He will still be the Creator. But I think you have said that you have never read The Institutes. The guy wearing glasses in the video gave an interesting explanation, though he chose to use the Fall in the Garden, rather than a more contemporary example. It means that someone thinks someone else is presenting an incorrect opinion/idea and will present disagreement in as many ways as he/she can think will work.
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