He has however just released his third book of pretty crystal pictures. to someone you know:
"Your mind can't tell the difference between what it sees and what it remembers" Dr Joseph Dispenza (Chiropractor ) in What the Bleep Do We Know? "What the bleep. [6], The Institute of Noetic Sciences, a New Age research organization that "explores phenomena that do not necessarily fit conventional scientific models", has supported What the Bleep Do We Know!? Somehow the main character of the movie was learning these amazing facts about quantum physics, and this then helps her deal with her anxiety attacks, bad body image and sex addiction (the film really goes off the rails in a bizarre scene where she is the photographer at a wedding party that turns into a grotesque kind of orgy). Evidently Albert claims he was taken advantage of, that his interview was heavily edited to misrepresent his views. It's hard to say where Candace Pert got the low-down on what the Native American Indians did or didn't see when Columbus and the gang hit the horizon. A moment in which 'the mathematical formalisms of quantum mechanics [] are stripped of all empirical content and reduced to a set of syrupy nostrums'. Wertheim continues that the film "abandons itself entirely to the ecstasies of quantum mysticism, finding in this aleatory description of nature the key to spiritual transformation. In the letter, the authors write: "the movie illustrates the uncertainty principle with a bouncing basketball being in several places at once. If anyone has any information to refute any of the facts laid out here, I will be more then willing to retract them. What the Bleep Do We Know!? Pingback: Not Even Wrong Blog Archive Hidden Dimensions, Pingback: Rachels Musings Rabbit Holes and Other Oddities, Pingback: Not Even Wrong Blog Archive Philosophy of Science on Blogginheads.tv, Pingback: For "The Baby Goes Out With The Bathwater" Crowd - SLUniverse Forums. The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle argues that its impossible to track the momentum and position of a subatomic particle. bleep blorp!" I implore all of you to ignore Rubio's critics and acknowledge that the senator from Florida is absolutely correct. Some lost their entire life savings. That's what makes the world so interesting. . You can't change the world by thinking about it. 4000 volunteers regularly meditated to achieve a 25% drop in violent crime by the end of summer. To date, there has been no response as to where the information which lead to the story about the indians not being able to see the ships of Columbus originated from. I started out thinking that BLEEP 2 would be a ground-breaking update covering ideas and discoveries in quantum physics, brain neurology and consciousness studies introduced over a decade ago. He is also the theologian in residence of RSE. The narrative follows a fictional photographer, Amanda, through her emotional and existential journey of life. We asked some of Britain's best scientific brains to give us their verdicts, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. Fred Alan Wolf, PhD in What the Bleep Do We Know? He has stated in several venues that his views were totally misrepresented in the film. We want to bridge divides to reach everyone. Featuring interviews with scientists and theologians, this compelling film thrusts the viewer into a world where science and spirituality intersect. Z. Knight and heavily features commentary from 'Ramtha', an ancient Atlantian general who is apparently speaking through Knight. up and at each step we're eliminating information and finally what is bubbling up to consciousness is the one that is most self-serving. We will write a custom Essay on Philosophy Meaning of Arntz's Movie "What the Bleep Do We Know" specifically for you. And wait-the human body is mostly water! This website uses cookies to Producing, scripting, and co-directing the film, What the BLEEP went on to become a global phenomenon, with well over 100 million viewers experiencing the BLEEP. Quantum mechanics is crazy, but it's just crazy enough to make the world still be sensible at a macroscopic level, the level that we experience. 1. All the weirdness of quantum mechanics gets washed out on the scale that we can experience. Many people are dubious that Penrose's suggestions are reasonable, because the brain is not an isolated quantum-mechanical system. extended versions of What the BLEEP Do We Know! And if you really want to be friendly, ask me about "The Case forPluto.". We might be able to create quantum computers, for example, that will simultaneously do many different calculations at once, because the quantum world is capable of doing many things at the same time. He announced in 1994 (one year after the study) that violent crime had decreased 18%. "What The Bleep Do We Know? Once they do bump into each other they form their regular little selves. As long as a sub-atomic particle is interacting with another sub-atomic particle, they'll both exist regardless of where you are or what you're doing. Science and engineering are important for our future, and anything that engages the public can only be a good thing." Joe Dispenza unless you renew or Unfortunately, it also completely misunderstands it. We don't know which way it's going to go. About. You can't just hope for the best. People latch onto their dreams, and they always try to match them to reality. Interspersed with Amanda's woes and the pseudoscience are random attacks on organized religion. ", "The movie is saying that somehow we can all get together and, with our collective thought processes, we can influence the outcome" of physical events - be they life experiences or scientific experiments, notes Bruce Schumm, a particle physicist at the University of California at Santa Cruz. It's there. What the Bleep Do We Know!? "[5] The same article quotes Bill Pfau, Advertising Manager of Inner Traditions, as saying "More and more ideas from the New Age community have become accepted into the mainstream. the film What The Bleep Do We Know It was an information that really left me speechless and I ordered his books at once techhose.d-webhost.orphans.co.uk 2 / 11. While Amanda waits for a commuter train, she (and we) are shown the work of Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto, who has photographed water after exposing it to different emotions. 6. Her experiences are offered by the filmmakers to illustrate the film's scientifically-unsupported thesis about quantum physics and consciousness. But quantum mechanics rules out the possibility of hidden variables. Professor Clive Greated wrote that "thinking on neurology and addiction are covered in some detail but, unfortunately, early references in the film to quantum physics are not followed through, leading to a confused message". To accomplish that, you would have to invoke "new physics," Dr. Schumm says, in which the explanation can be verified or falsified through experiment. They are relevant because of the deliberateness on the part of the film makers to keep certain facts unknown (ironically, it is I making the unknown know) and misrepresent others. You'll even applaud the wedding Polka scene there's just not enough Eastern European folk culture in contemporary film. I remember Hagelin wanting to discuss how quantum field theory could explain how TMers were able to levitate, something about how they did this by changing the position of the pole in the propagator. Hagelin might be crazy, but some of those papers are co-written by John Ellis and other respectable people. 3. Do We Know!? They want suggestions, not formulas. This message will appear once per week In the documentary segments of the film, interviewees discuss the roots and meaning of Amanda's experiences. Here's an edited transcript: Cosmic Log: Every once in a while, you'll hear about something like "The Secret," or some other reference to quantum mechanics as explaining how you can change your universe, or even perhaps why it's in the realm of possibility that a globe-gobbling black hole could be created because "anything can happen" in quantum mechanics. Study Guide", "Teaching physics mysteries versus pseudoscience", "Review: What The Bleep Do We Know!? They were spreading their methods of meditation but that was not the main thing that impressed me. There appears to be no evidence to support this claim. - Dr. (I haven't). Some movies are so bad, they're funny. What the Bleep Do We Know draws heavily on the role of the observer in quantum physics. The host of the show said this was done because it was negative log out. From my perspective, once you had identtified Smolins position( I gave this in previous post[Posted by sol at September 25, 2004 04:18 PM] ), then you would know he holds Einsteins, in relation to the Solvay meetings, and strings have modified what Bohr and Schrodinger were doing in developing QM. Krauss discussed his criteria ln our interview last week. Dr Joao Migueijo is reader in theoretical physics at Imperial College, London.What the Bleep Do We Know!? The weirdness of quantum mechanics is reserved for either very specially prepared configurations in the laboratory, or scales that are so small that quantum-mechanical effects are significant. Q: But isn't everything really connected? DVD (2005) Marlee Matlin, Arntz (DIR) cert 12 at the best online prices at eBay! Q: You do see that in some science-fiction shows for example, last season on "Fringe." Bleep was conceived and its production funded by William Arntz, who co-directed the film along with Betsy Chasse and Mark Vicente; all three were students of Ramtha's School of Enlightenment. During the resulting chat, two men carrying a wooden door passed between the stranger and the subjects. Your session to The Christian But we're certainly using them at the Large Hadron Collider, which we couldn't even operate if we didn't have superconducting magnets. We do, at subatomic scale, behave quantum mechanically. What the Bleep Do We Know postulates the existence of a spiritual connection between the realms of quantum physics and consciousness, demonstrating this through inspiring visual effects, story-telling and interviews with experts. Beyond fear, beyond anger. But quantum-mechanical computers might be able to, and then of course we'd have to start thinking about how to make things more secure. First, such claims rely on "hidden variables" susceptible to influence, he says. It's recognized as pedagogical exaggeration. [11], Scientists who have reviewed What the Bleep Do We Know!? No, that wasnt intended specifically as an attack on supersymmetric models; the fact that Hagelin worked on them isnt an argument for or against them. Directors William Arntz, Betsy Chasse Starring Marlee Matlin, Elaine Hendrix, John Ross Bowie Genres Science Fiction, Comedy, Drama, Documentary, Fantasy, Special Interest Matt, what is so nutty about Serge Langs ideas about HIV and AIDS? Blech. There's also much to be said for the idea that divine is not so much a separate entity but is found in the interconnectedness of the universe, something both traditional religious believers and "spiritual but not" people often agree on, though semantics can get in the way. "What the Bleep Do We Know," as it is referred to for convenience, is not a conventional documentary about quantum physics. She does play a large role in the movie and you can read all about her nonsense here. Filmed in Portland, Oregon, What the Bleep Do We Know!? A disproportionate amount of time was given in voice and film to Ramtha, Dr. Joe dispenza, and Miceal Ledwith. We're bombarded by many things every second of the day, and a result, we're not specially prepared quantum mechanical systems, nor can we exert weird quantum powers over other objects. A: Absolutely. The part where the scientist put water under a microscope that was sitting under the label "I hate you" or "I want to kill you" Looked distorted and dirty but water blessed by monks was uniform and beautiful. Magician and skeptic James Randi, famous for debunking performers like Uri Geller, has offered his standard prize of $1 million cash money to Dr Emoto if he can get the same results when doing the water study this way. I had it recommended to me by no less than three people. Its true that Hagelin stopped doing physics in the mid-nineties to concentrate on his other nonsense, but I can vouch for the fact that as early as 1978-9 he was heavily involved in TM and thought it had a lot to do with QFT. The point is, with quantum mechanics, everything doesn't go. John Hagelin, PhD, describes a study he did in Washington in 1992. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); WatchDocumentaries.com | Games | Quizzes | Contact |Privacy & Terms | Manage Cookies |Advertise | DMCA, Aleister Crowley: The Wickedest Man in the World. " " what the bleep do we know ( 2 ) Full HD 2 . The Christian Science Monitor has expired. Also, the movie suggests that the quantum idea of matter embracing all its possible states at once applies to the larger world of people and rocks. ?, with over 15 hours of material on three double-sided DVDs. Get ABC Sciences weekly newsletter Science Updates, The 'underground astronaut' in search of ancient bones, Voyager probes still signalling from the edge of the Solar System, Solar eclipses: Everything you need to know, Five ways your smartphone could help save lives, Chinese scientists use satellite to smash quantum entanglement record, Einstein's light bending theory directly observed in distant stars for first time, Third gravitational wave detection puts new spin on black holes. She works as a free-lancer for an agency, where her boss is played by Barry Newman. The quantum world is intriguing, but unless you're a particle physicist it's got very little to do with the world's reality. You can begin to be skeptical that the speaker is somehow trying to use quantum mechanics to argue fundamentally that you can change the world by thinking about it. "I think the point is that Feynman realized that people can be fooled, but nature can't.". And quantum mechanics is often used as the explanation for that. Interspersed with the plot were interviews with various supposed scientists with something to say about quantum physics, consciousness, God, etc. So you forgive the film's jelly-baby graphics, daggy storyline, and that Gabor sister channelling a warrior spirit from Atlantis. . Dr. Jeffrey Satinover (psychiatrist, PhD candidate in physics), in What the Bleep Do We Know? The only problem with Andrew Newberg's statement is that it suggests our subconscious brains are doing really interesting stuff and we're somehow missing out; if only we could harness that other zillion gigabits or so we'd be masters of our destinies. We 3. In addition, the film mentioned clipper ships which were not even in existence at that time. Doesn't the quantum world pervade everything that we see around us? Our mind has enormous potential, but we only use a small part of it for conscious thought, and we miss a lot of what's going on around us. Not exactly, Amit. Q: Some scientists, such as Sir Roger Penrose, have talked about neurons as quantum systems. It comes from the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, and it's about the limitations of trying to measure the position and momentum of subatomic particles this only applies to sub-atomic particlesa rock doesn't need you to bump into it to exist. He also has been marketing several products within the school and its followers. The Effect of Meditation on Violent Crime in Washington, DC. On certain scales, for certain times, in certain regions, everything goes and strange things happen. We use it to assign probabilities to possible measurement outcomes on the basis of actual measurement outcomes. What the #$*! Adapted from "Ask the Everyday Scientist" with permission of the writer. Quantum physics tells us that reality isn't fixed subatomic particles only come into existence when they are observed, 2. We're not using either superconductivity or superfluidity yet on the scale that I think people thought we might. There were many more, but I will leave them for others. When they use the word 'observe', they actually mean 'interact with', not look at or think about.). The film "What the Bleep Do We Know?!" As the Amanda plot zooms here and there, a host of dubious evidence is marshaled to convince us that life is all about mind over matter. While the (probabilistic) predictions of quantum mechanics are, as far . Never mind that the movie didnt even have a plot. Our mind has enormous potential, but we only use a small part of it for conscious thought, and we miss a lot of what's going on around us so, in a leap of creatively edited logic 3. We may be able to use quantum communication in ways that we haven't done before. Heisenberg basically says you can't get a really accurate fix on both the position and the momentum of a subatomic particle say an electron at the same time. In addition to the films three directors, there were actors and others involved in the production who are long time "students" of Ramthas' School of enlightenment. The brain wasn't born yesterday. Tags: science-and-technology, neuroscience, physics. Categories conflate, confound, connect", "Our power is in our ability to decide - Can you? I want to mention another point Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Hambling says it is likely that both the Hughes account and the story told by Pert were exaggerations of the records left by Captain Cook and the botanist Joseph Banks. The meditation may not have helped the victims of violent crime, but it did win Hagelin the 1994 Ig Nobel Peace Prize. : Directed by William Arntz, Betsy Chasse, Mark Vicente. As one of the film's characters gushes early in the proceedings, 'The moment we acknowledge the quantum self, we say that somebody has become enlightened'. That's not the case. It'd be like being the CEO of a massive company and having to listen to what every single employee was doing every minute of every day. Do We (K)now!? A classic experiment on visual processing involves asking people to watch a video of 6 people passing a basketball, and press a button every time a particular team has possession. The article states that the domestic gross exceeded $10 million, described as not bad for a low-budget documentary, and that the DVD release attained even more significant success with over a million units shipped in the first six months following its release in March 2005. Prominent if you go by citations that is. Where were we now? That's its claim anyway. Ive not seen the movie, and dont intend to, but David Alberts book on Quantum Mechanics and Experience is one of the best things Ive read on the interpretation of QM. They're coming into the marketplace hungry for direction, but they don't want some person who claims to have all the answers. !" is a radical departure from convention. We're always being told we don't use our brain to its full capacity. Quantum mechanics, the theoretical framework of contemporary physics, is a probability algorithm. Hard to get your head around What the Bleep Do We Know. A: Of course it does. But sounding like magic and being magic are two different things. [13] The American Chemical Society's review criticizes the film as a "pseudoscientific docudrama", saying "Among the more outlandish assertions are that people can travel backward in time, and that matter is actually thought. Quantum mechanics may play a role at some level in the way the brain works just as it may play a role in photosynthesis. John Haglin One should take seriously the danger that hes not the only one deluding himself. The experts start "proving" that humans create their own reality by getting too attached to certain brain chemicals. The whole thing is really moronic beyond belief. I think of what Niels Bohr said to Wolfgang Pauli about theories that are "not crazy enough to be true." The general idea was that since quantum mechanics supposedly says that there isnt one reality, but an infinite number of possibilities, one just has to be enlightened to an awareness of this, and then you can make whatever you want happen. If it were manifest, you could run at a wall a lot of times, and every now and then you'd spontaneously appear on the other side of the wall. The reason you should be suspicious is because we don't even understand classical consciousness. There was some sort of plot involving a woman photographer (played by Marlee Matlin), who wanders around and has anxiety attacks. Well, people are able to undergo various transformations. The observer effect of quantum physics isn't about people or reality. During our current Covid19 pandemic, this collection is highly relevant to a world still seeking novel answers to the human condition and also drawn to old theories long ago debunked. On the whole they were a bunch of complete flakes, although one of them (David Albert) is a philosopher of science here at Columbia. Real news, real hope. Early in the film, she is trying to take portraits at the train station, but nobody seems to be buying. (commonly referred to by its spoken title What the Bleep Do We Know) is a 2004 pseudoscientific film that supports the idea that consciousness and quantum mechanics are somehow related. Film / What the #$*! is god-awful. It was one of the most important moments in history. Intercut with these metaphysical ponderings is a soapy fictional narrative starring Marlee Matlin as a broken-hearted photographer. Skeptic James Randi described the film as "a fantasy docudrama" and "[a] rampant example of abuse by charlatans and cults". Update: More information at the end of the video description.Comment approval now removed. Z. Knight and her pet dead guy Ramtha. Initially, the film was released in only two theaters: one in Yelm, Washington (the home of the producers, which is also the home of Ramtha), and the other the Bagdad Theater in Portland, Oregon, where it was filmed. 19802023 The Christian Science Monitor. The director, William Arntz, has described What the Bleep as a film for the "metaphysical left". On August 1, 2006 What the Bleep! The sub-atomic particles that make up the atoms that make up the rock are there too. Hidden Messages In Water Hidden Messages in . Joe Dispenza, former Ramtha School of Enlightenment teacher, This page was last edited on 13 February 2023, at 23:23. extrapolates from quantum physics to answer life's big questions. [1], In mid-2005, the filmmakers worked with HCI Books to expand on the film's themes in a book titled What the Bleep Do We Know! There are also phrases plagiarized entire from "The Matrix," a far superior film treatment of the notion that reality isn't what it seems. Since its release in April 2004, this independent film has become a cult hit, playing to packed houses and grossing over $7.5 . The film surpassed all expectations; it was certainly the stupidest thing I can remember seeing in a movie theater, and thats saying quite a lot (I see a lot of movies). Wow, indeed! subscription. https://www.abc.net.au/science/articles/2005/06/30/2839498.htm? Q: Why do you think that people have seized upon this? Only the Shaman knows, and we're about 500 years too late to ask him. By continuing to browse the site Our work isn't possible without your support. (Physicists should take part of the blame for this confusion. "Our brain receives 400 billion bits/second of information, but we're only aware of 2000 bits/second. Hambling says it is likely that both the Hughes account and the story told by Pert were exaggerations of the records left by Captain Cook and the botanist Joseph Banks. It was an interesting idea aiming to solve the hierachy problem, as announced. Both are indeed mysterious, and their genuine mystery needs none of the hype with which this film relentlessly and noisily belabours us", concluding that the film is "tosh". you are agreeing to our, One month free trial to theMonitorDaily, Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor, Performance of quantum computer no better than ordinary PC, say analysts, 'Spooky' physics: How quantum entanglement could link wormholes, Quantum 'teleportation' distance record broken. The question "What the bleep do we know?" has an unambiguous answer: both surprisingly much and amazingly little. 5.Miceal Ledwith a clergyman with a rather dubious past (see http://unison.ie/irish_independent/stories.php3?ca=36&si=770458&issue_id=7565) is the one chosen by the film makers to be the theological spokesman. With Marlee Matlin, Elaine Hendrix, Barry Newman, Armin Shimerman. If he says hes being misrepresented, I quite believe him. you refer to the offspring of hep-ph/9803315. "We only see what we believe is possible Native American Indians on Caribbean Islands couldn't see Columbus's ships [sitting on the horizon] because they were beyond their knowledge" Dr. Candace Pert (former scientist, current new-age guru) in What the Bleep Do We Know? And any Cognitive Behavioural Therapist can help us to change the way we see things by changing our thought patterns. "I create my own reality, says quantum physics," intones one expert, and the viewer could be lured to accept this as proof. There was some sort of plot involving a woman photographer (played by Marlee Matlin), who wanders around and has anxiety attacks. By clicking 'Send to a friend' you agree ABC Online is not responsible for the content contained in your email message. is released on Friday. Reality is happening in our brain all the time we're receiving it but it's not being integrated." I suggest to read him if you want to know how QM is perceived in the SF community. His 73 papers are mostly about supersymmetric GUTs and considered quite respectable, with a total of over 5000 citations, including 641 citations for one of them alone. I guess it's a sign that quantum physics is entering the mainstream A: Well, yeah, the point is that there have been these new-age desires for lots of things to make the world better: crystals, energy vortices. and published a study guide. Pingback: yeago works Blog Archive Jesus, Buddha, Ken Wilber?? If you want to affect something in the external world, you have to do something to it. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for What the Bleep Do We Know? This is the person who teaches the brain science in RSE. If it's true, no one's been able to measure it or see the effects. The Bleep in a Nutshell: 1. Presentations ranging from "The Secret" to "What the Bleep Do We Know?" But to insist, as one on-screen interviewee does, that the material world around us is just one "possible movement of consciousness" undermines the possibility of any objective, external reality--something fundamental to many religions and to science. A roommate of mine was interested in TM and I think it was he who introduced us. Whether or not you buy into its "you are God in the making" philosophy, "What the Bleep Do We Know?" A scientist debunks the claim that water reacts to human emotions. logged you out. The film's central point--that reality is a construct of our own brains--seems rife with intriguing cinematic possibilities. But how are ordinary mortals to judge its assertions about the nature of matter, mind, and the universe? Now comes the audio edition of the book based on the mind-boggling movie that grossed $11 million in the U.S. alone. How had the discussion from WTB (What the BLEEP) moved and evolved? We're such a shallow people. According to Joo Magueijo, professor in theoretical physics at Imperial College, the film deliberately misquotes science. This movie agrees with the scientists as far as the existence of the so called empty space is concerned. Not everything is possible. Unfortunately, it also completely misunderstands it. Otherwise, the process falls "outside the realm of physical statements and has entered the realm of spiritual belief.". One has already been recognized: If we do carefully prepare quantum systems, and keep them isolated, we can perform quantum magic technologically potentially on scales that we haven't been able to do before. This is one reason physicists studying a subatomic particle create large numbers of them in particle accelerators.
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